Workshop on AI Education
1 day: April 3, 1995
This workshop is intended to clarify some of the issues surrounding AI
education. It is aimed at those involved with teaching AI, AI
practitioners with an educational leaning, and developers of educational
materials for AI. At the workshop we will try to focus the discussion
around the following three themes:
- Goals of AI Education: what skills do we expect an AI course to impart? Can we resolve the conflict between the need for AI-literate
graduates (this includes graduates from other disciplines such as linguistics, philosophy, engineering, statistics) to deal with real world problems and the need to pursue pure research? how does this link up with what we teach and how we teach it?
- Anatomy of the AI Curriculum: AI comprises a large number of different subfields; at the same time, the most interesting AI problems are inherently interdisciplinary. What is the relationship between "core" AI subjects and interdisciplinary problems, and how this might relate to a syllabus. What are the experiences of those currently involved with teaching specific AI courses.
- Resources for AI Education: it is now possible to lay hands upon somebody's version of practically anything over the internet. Yet the utility of all this material for teaching purposes is without doubt less than it ought to be due to compatibility problems, lack of indexing, and lack of guidelines for would-be contributors. The aim here is to discussion attempt to formulate some recommendations for improving the nature, quality and diffusion of such resources.
We solicit papers on the above themes for 20 minute presentations + 10
minutes discussion. Plain ascii text abstracts should be submitted by
email (subject line "aisb workshop" not more than 2 pp.) to the
principal organiser. Authors of accepted abstracts will have approximately one month to prepare submit final versions of papers (up
to ten pages, self-contained Latex, Ascii or Postscript).
Proposals for demonstrations of existing work are likewise welcome:
please be specific about time and hardware/software requirements.
There will also be a limited number of workshop places for
participants with a demonstrable interest in the theme who do not wish
to be included in the formal programme. Further information from the
principal organiser.
2 page email abstracts or
Indication of interest: 9th January 1995
Notification of acceptance: 6th February 1995
Final papers: 3rd March 1995
Principal organiser
Michael Rosner <>
IDSIA, Corso Elvezia 36
6900 Lugano
vox: (+41) 91 22 88 81
fax: (+41) 91 22 89 94
Programme Committee
- Michael Rosner Principal organiser (IDSIA, Lugano/University of Malta)
- Paolo Cattaneo (IDSIA, Lugano)
- Dean Allemang (PTT Research Labs, Bern, Switzerland)
- Ben du Boulay (Sussex University)
- Anneke De Roeck (Essex University)
- Giorgio Ingargiola (Temple University, Philadelphia)
- Arthur Strutt (The Open University, Milton Keynes)
- Gheorghe Tecuci (George Mason University, USA/Romanian Academy)
- Dan Tufis (Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
Last modified: Feb 2 1995
Malcolm Crawford <>
Institute for Language Speech and Hearing, University of Sheffield