Workshop on Evolutionary computing

2 days: April 3-4, 1995

The purpose of the workshop is to give researchers active in the area of evolutionary computing an opportunity to present their work and have discussions on current developments in a relatively informal atmosphere at a low cost. Papers will be refereed by the programme committee and a program drawn up on the basis of those accepted. Some of the programme committee and researchers visiting the UK will be invited to give talks for which they too will provide a paper. Papers will be bound and distributed to the participants at the beginning of the workshop and a post-workshop proceedings published if possible.


Evolutionary strategies, genetic algorithms, classifier systems, genetic programming and applications thereof.


Acceptance will be on the basis of extended abstracts or full papers of a maximum 5000 words. Four A4 paper copies to be submitted by post or one postscript copy by email. Places will be available for those submitting papers. Others who wish to attend should submit a summary of interests.


    Submission of extended
       abstracts or papers:     15th January 1995
    Notification of acceptance: 15th February 1995
    Camera ready papers due:    15rd March 1995

Principal organiser

    Terry Fogarty <>
    Faculty of Computer Studies and Mathematics
    University of the West of England, Bristol
    Bristol, BS16 1QY

Programme Committee

Last modified: Feb 2 1995
Malcolm Crawford <>

Institute for Language Speech and Hearing, University of Sheffield