FACULTY RESEARCH COMMITTEE (FRC) MEETINGS: Two meetings held: 17-02-04, 23-04-04 Further details of papers and minutes for meetings available on Faculty of Engineering Intranet (Engineering Net) CHAIRMAN'S COMMUNICATIONS: Lord Sainsbury visited JN campus to officially open the Harry Ferguson Engineering Village and to discuss strategy for the future of nano-technology. Prof. Jim McLaughlin organised the visit. HEFCE 'RAE 2008 Initial Decisions by the UK Funding Bodies' report published and on HEFCE website. MEMBERSHIP: Prof. Elizabeth Hull elected onto FRC. RESEARCH INSTITUTES: Research Institute formed for UoA-25; UoA coordinator will decide membership based on publications and grant income; roughly 25 staff eligible for UoA-25 FINANCE: Faculty total research income (31 March 2004): 6,594,321 pounds, 47 awards). QAA-AUDIT-2005: Dress rehearsal planned for autumn 2004. Research Studies handbook being updated by Nick Curry. Faculty working party established (includes HoRGS, UoA coordinators or their nominees, Director of D.Eng./D.Inf., Director of research division). RESEARCH GRADUATE SCHOOL (RGS): Two meetings held: 02-02-04, 05-04-04 UU WebCT system proposed for monitoring of postgraduate student record of meetings; system being piloted by Faculty of Life and Health Sciences. New route Ph.D. being proposed for international students. Tighter monitoring of annual progress monitoring (RS3 & RS4 forms). More detail being required for Leave-of-absence and Extension-of-time requests with clearly justified reasons (e.g. medical evidence or similar). Generic Skills training being extended. Student numbers: UoA-25: Magee: 31, Jordanstown: 37, Coleraine: 9 Student progress: Magee has had success with 5 confirmations, 3 100-day vivas and 3 vivas. 2004 competition: UoA-25: 46 projects advertised, 63 applications, 29 shortlisted for interview; 7 studentships available. Student achievements: Best presentations at Faculty Research Student Conference: Ammar Belatreche, Minhua (Eunice) Ma Faculty of Engineering RGS dinner prizes: UoA-25 best thesis: Dr. Sonya Coleman UoA-25 best paper: Haiying Wang UoA-25 best literature review: Damien Coyle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------